Make a difference

Join The Celebration of health., time., progress., hope.

Join The Celebration – Our monthly giving community of generous, passionate, determined world-changers – and you’ll bring clean water to families around the world each and every month. You will receive pictures and video twice each year of the projects you made possible, so you can watch and join in the celebration that results as lives are changed through receiving clean water for the very first time.

Almost a billion people are drinking dirty water. You can help change that. With a simple monthly contribution, you can restore health, give back time, increase school attendance, create opportunity, inspire hope and confidence, empower leaders, and re-shape futures. Monthly contributions are the most effective way to ensure water projects are planned month after month. A gift of just $20/month provides clean water for about 120 people each year.

Choose an amount to give per month

Your $10.00 monthly donation can give 60 people clean water every year. 100% funds water projects.

Your monthly donation goes farther and creates an even more profound impact.

$2/person for life

Through the design and manufacture of our own drills, the employment of our own drill teams, and the use of strategic partnerships, Family Humanitarian can provide lifetime access to clean water for 75% less cost than most other non-profits. For only about $2/person, it is very likely the most dramatic impact you can ever have at such a low cost!

100% to clean water

100% of your money brings clean water to people in need.  Private donors cover our operating costs so you can give knowing your whole gift will help bring clean water.

You belong here

Join the Family
Give life, hope, and a future.

When you give to Family Humanitarian, 100% of your donation goes directly to funding water solutions in rural communities. Help us bring clean, safe water to everyone, everywhere.